Category: Reading Together

Hold the phone

February 28th, 2008

Reading during naptime

Evidently all I had to do was complain publicly about our sleep schedule to fix the problem (knock on wood). We’ve had three fantastic, sleep-filled, calm, extremely luxurious, and completely lovely nights in a row. Miss Leyba and I have even been sleeping late together. (So nice to cuddle in bed with my daughter. Wouldn’t have it any other way.) I attribute this major shift in our sleep schedule to the growth spurt we thought was over. Evidently we were wrong! We’re still feeding every hour during the day over here. If this is what it takes to get 8 hours of sleep then I am all for it. Plus, we are loving the awake time.

It’s perfect timing too because some of my stitches reopened earlier this week (major wake-up call to slow down!), so at least I am well-rested to better cope and heal. My father and sister are coming into town today to meet Miss Leyba, so we’ll have two extra sets of hands to help as well. Can’t wait to see them!

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Daily activities

February 18th, 2008

David Reading

A sleepy, darling baby and a good book: a perfect moment.

Carrie Reading

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Storytime is just so exhausting

February 15th, 2008

Story Time
Thanks to Stephanie and Andy for the Eric Carle books and Great Grandma Leff for the adorable outfit and blankets!

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Bedrest is boring

December 25th, 2007

This is what I’ve been up to for the past week:

I’ve never spent so much time on the couch. Constantly lying on my side is rough…
thankfully I am finally getting the hang of eating, reading, typing, etc. with one hand.
I even spent a little time online yesterday and today for the first time in a week.

This has been the week of wonderful news. Congratulations to my best friend Ranni, her husband Ricardo and their daughter Izzi on their newest addition: a baby girl named Liliana born at home on Christmas morning! And to two fabulous couples who recently have gotten engaged: my friend Charleen and her boyfriend Matt, and our cousin Rachel and her longtime boyfriend Ed! We are so thrilled for you guys and wish you the best.

UPDATED: Congratulations also to David for earning an A+ in his graduate level computer science course at Columbia!

I love having David home (and free from work) for the holiday weekend. Good eats (seared scallops, challah french toast, bagels with lox, vegetable casserole, spiced cider), awesome handmade gifts (from David’s folks), and great movies (Stardust, episodes of Monty Python’s Flying Circus). David has been such a trooper: He’s gotten a ton of things checked off our to-do list and has been waiting on me hand and foot (never once complaining, in true David fashion!). Such an awesome and supportive partner. I am one lucky woman.

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