Month: April, 2009

Lunchtime Conversation

April 10th, 2009

Mama: What does a dog say?
Miss Leyba: (pause) Woof woof!
Mama: What does a sheep say?
Miss Leyba: (pause) Baa baa!
Mama: What does a cat say?
Miss Leyba: (extra long pause) Meama mama!

(We laugh)

Mama: What does a cow say?
Miss Leyba: Booooooooooo oooooooooo!

She also loves singing her ABCs — she joins me for “A, B, C, D, E” and then hums along through the rest, with occasional bursts of “I” or “P” in the right spot! As far as we can tell, she just thinks it’s a pretty song she sings with Mama every day. I think she has no idea what it means. She gets all excited when we start singing it together though. The girl loves her music! We’re all for using music as a teaching tool.

Here are some other fun verbal Miss Leyba-isms:

All plants are called “trees.”

She uses the word “apple” for both apple and pear. I can understand the confusion: all she sees are yummy fruit wedges cut up the same way.

Miss Leyba now makes “mmmmm” (“mwah!”) noises when she kisses. SO CUTE!

She’s learning new things every day and it’s such fun to watch!

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Getting ready to go out

April 10th, 2009

Someone loves playing dress up.

This has been the new activity: putting clothing on herself.

In this case she was trying on mom’s shirt and underwear while I was folding laundry.

Totally cracks us up.

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One Year Ago

April 6th, 2009

She was a little peanut sleeping on our walk.

Today she’s running around, chatting up a storm, and forever cracking us up. Here she is piling books and toys up on Daddy. I think there may even be a few clean socks from the laundry in there.

Can you tell she has us wrapped around her little finger?

Here’s a bonus photo from the weekend before I get back to packing up the house.

She’s suddenly very into wearing hats (instead of pulling them off at every opportunity). You can tell she put this one on herself.

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