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Letter to Miss Leyba: Month Eight

September 30th, 2008

Dear sweetie,

This month you have been on the go, go, go!

You crawl fast everywhere! I may occasionally want you to crawl over by me or follow me around while I do chores around the house; but no, you have your own agenda. You have places to explore and things to do. You are an independent woman and your dad and I love it.

Month Eight

Last month was about learning how to crawl; this month you have been working on climbing and cruising the furniture, and practicing sitting down from standing (which you have nailed, by the way). You love climbing up, over, and down things (yoga bolsters, our futon, people!).

Month Eight

This month you’ve also enjoyed picking up, and eating, teeny tiny things.  I am constantly pulling stuff out of your mouth. Sorry, sweetie! I think we’re all looking forward to the end of the “into-the-mouth” phase.

Month Eight

For your father and I the highlight of the month was your saying “dada” and “daddy” and “mama” and “mommy!” For the most part you only say my name when you really need me (right now!), but you’re slowly starting to say it more frequently (you say dada all the time now!). My heart melts every time.

Month Eight

You give us kisses. They are open mouthed and very wet and absolutely adorable. (You’ve been doing this for a while now but I think I’ve forgotten to mention it earlier.)

We’ve been practicing sign language and you now make signs for “milk” and occasionally “daddy” (especially before you learned how to say it!). I’ve also caught you signing “more.”

Month Eight

You bring your hands together to clap, though you haven’t yet figured out how to make the clapping noise. I bet you’ll figure that out soon. You adore it when we clap for you and make music together.

You love knocking down towers of blocks.

Month Eight

You get such a kick out of this remix of Feist’s 1 2 3 4 on Sesame Street. Dad and I now sing it to you all the time. At home. In the car. Out on walks. Anytime you need a little bit of a pick me up. It makes you smile and giggle. You also kick your feet wildly when we watch the video.

This month we started taking outings every day. Our activity schedule is as follows: mama baby yoga, baby story time at the library, and walks down to the park (sand, swings, and slides, oh my!) where we play with your 11 month old friend whom you idolize.

Month Eight

Month Eight

We also go for walks down to the neighborhood bookstore. You are very social, smiling at everyone, and folks who meet you always remark on how adorable and precocious you are.

You are such a beautiful baby — inside and out!

We love you!




  1. Thank you for posting!!! That is Miss Leyba to a tee! She is adorable and so, so happy. She’s a lucky girl to have you and David as her parents!! We love you all! XO, Mom

    Comment by Mom — October 1, 2008

  2. i’m pretty sure i had a nice comment at one point, but all i’ve got now is NOM NOM NOM NOM i want to eat her cheeks.

    Comment by Alice — October 2, 2008

  3. Just so you know, we’ve all taken numbers and are waiting in line to be in the presence of Miss Leyba’s cheeks. “Next!” =D

    Comment by Alexis — October 2, 2008

  4. I love this first picture for month 8th – too sweet. LIght aqua blue is a great color for her! :) So what do you think about arranged marriages? lol.

    Comment by Ashlee — October 5, 2008

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