Month: June, 2006

Busy, busy, busy!

June 28th, 2006

Were did June go?! So much has been going on the past few weeks! David was in San Jose for a week on business and I joined him there briefly before heading off to the Monterrey Bay Aquarium, which I’ve wanted to see for years and years; I had previously seen their kelp cams online and felt so excited to see kelp in person for the first time! I had a fantastic time touring the place, catching feedings of penguins and giant tuna, watching presentations on deep sea fish, sharks, and jellyfish, seeing harbor seals, sea lions, jellyfish, etc. It was a great day.

We’ve also spent lots of time with family — we met up with my uncle at the No Name Bar in Sausalito before heading over to San Francisco for Dungeness crabs! We’ve also seen my cousin Julia so many times this month both in San Francisco and up here in Santa Rosa (see pictures at right)! We even got to catch the preview of the play she’s been working on at the San Francisco Mime Troupe. We’ve had such a blast! And the family keeps coming: both my aunt and mom are coming for chunks of July and David’s mom is coming for the first week in August!

Other than that, we’ve been busy working for our respective jobs (I’ve even been adding some exciting new web design projects to my plate!) and getting to know Santa Rosa. We’ve been trying all sorts of restaurants and enjoyed the best sushi of my life recently here in town (oh so smooth and tasty and they even had gluten-free soy sauce!). We’re still running every day at the parks across from our house and going hiking with friends. I’ve been making weekly trips to our local library and we are both reading up a storm. I’ve been cooking a lot more recently and it has been so much fun. We’ve seen a string of movies: The Lake House (suspend your disbelief and enjoy it!), Cars (loved it!), Over the Hedge (just okay!), A Prairie Home Companion (good if you’re a fan), and the Da Vinci Code (liked it better than the book). So many good things going on!

Coming up this weekend David gets a four day holiday that coincides with our wedding anniversary and his birthday! Plans currently include brunch at our favorite spot in Glen Ellen, touring around San Francisco with Julia, dinner at Cafe Japan (sushi!), seeing Superman Returns, and a picnic at the beach. Mainly I just can’t wait for four days straight with my best friend! Now that is a treat.

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An Inconvenient Truth

June 2nd, 2006

Regardless of your political persuasion or feelings about Al Gore, go see AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH. It is a truly phenomenal and thought-provoking film.

Information about the accompanying book is available here.

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Beach trips

June 2nd, 2006

Yes, there have been more trips to the beach. Pictured above clockwise from left to right: Christana and David, cousin Julia, aunt Deborah-Miriam, and windblown David and Carrie.My trip back east feels like it was ages ago. I had a fantastic time in New York and New Jersey: got to see many friends and family, eat at some awesome restaurants, stay up late watching episodes of the West Wing, and spend some time in The City with Aida! It was a total blast. Since then, Julia and Deborah-Miriam visited us (above!) and we had a whirlwind and super fun trip, we spent time with Christana at the beach and drove down the coast, and I got to meet many of David’s coworkers at a rocking office Hawaiian-themed party at a nearby winery! We also now have California plates on the car and have seen movies in several theaters in town (X-Men 3, Da Vinci Code). Next up: An Inconvenient Truth at the independent movie theater near our house, hiking trip tomorrow, and lots of time poolside.

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