Month: December, 2005

Weekend roundup

December 12th, 2005

We’ve hit the end of term crunch for David, so our weekend was spent almost entirely in the Tea Spot, where he worked on his presentation and final term paper (plus research for his advisor) and I read for pleasure and learned Macromedia Flash 8. We did venture out for a lovely sushi lunch with our friend Oak and a late night showing of the Chronicles of Narnia after eating a tasty dinner at P. F. Chang’s (our new ritual; won’t see a movie without Chinese food first). Plus, I finally finished up our holiday shopping (now it’s time to send off those packages). All in all, a nice relaxing weekend…

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the start of the season

December 5th, 2005

The holidays are quickly approaching! This weekend my company hosted our annual Holiday Dinner, David and I are (almost) done with our holiday shopping, and it’s finally cold in Colorado with snow on the ground (up at work anyhow where the elevation is around 8,000 feet). David and I have ramped up our yoga routine by adding in an ashtanga class, which we love so far. We are both working long and hard hours towards our pre-Christmas conference and work related deadlines. I’ve also been making more of an effort to read before bed again (there were several weeks there where I couldn’t read past a page or two before drifting off to sleep). I am officially addicted to the Aveda rosemary mint body lotion–it totally calms me! We’ve seen a ton of movies lately: Harry Potter 4, Wallace and Gromit, Shopgirl (went with Bridget for our weekly activity), and Aeon Flux. So, between long workweeks, yoga classes, acupuncture and chiropractic appointments, movies, reading, racquetball, haircuts, Carrie’s required girl time with Bridget, upcoming sushi dates and happy hour adventures with friends, and many more holiday parties, we pretty much don’t have time for anything else. I am so looking forward to a week off at the end of the month filled with Hanukah and Christmas festivities and zero commitments.

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