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Mother’s Day Bouquet

May 9th, 2011

Mother's Day plants for the garden

Every year for Mother’s Day we visit our local nursery and I get to pick out flowers for the garden.

By doing this…

Mother's Day plants for the garden

we get more bang for our buck — sixteen plants for the price of one bouquet,

Mother's Day plants from last year in the garden

we support local, organic farmers, plus our independently owned garden center,

Mother's Day plants from last year in the garden

I receive a gift that I enjoy year after year as each plant continues to grow, spread, and bloom in our garden,

Honeybee landing on lavender plant in our garden

we share this gift with the creatures living in our yard and our neighbors in our community,

Toddler helping mama garden on Mother's Day

and we enjoy a family activity that I look forward to each year.

1 Comment

  1. […] We replanted the shade-loving annuals for the steps on the porch with some of the flowers from my Mother’s Day Bouquet. […]

    Pingback by Out and About with the Spritzer Leyba Family » Porch Redo with a Sand and Water Table — May 11, 2011

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