Search Results for “music making” – Out and About with the Spritzer Leyba Family Fri, 26 Apr 2019 14:39:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Family Friendly Music and Musical Instruments Gift Ideas Thu, 04 Nov 2010 13:00:24 +0000
In which we share family favorite musicians and must-own musical instruments for some hootenanny fun.]]>
We’ve been busy getting ready for the holidays, trying to plan ahead with presents and decorations to limit the last minute scrambling that inevitably happens each December. This year instead of our typical Week of Design, we’re talking about holiday gifts, presenting items we love and recommend, as well as items from our wishlists for fun splurge items.

Some music the whole family can enjoy:

Elizabeth Mitchell’s You Are My Little Bird and her new 2010 album, Sunny Day.

Go Itsy by Asheba and Go Baby Go by The Baby Loves Jazz Band (we prefer this cd to their other album, Greatest Hits, Vol. 1-2 though this one is fun too).

It’s A Big World by Renee & Jeremy and Victor Vito by Laurie Berkner (we LOVE her Rocketship Run cd too!).

Beethoven’s Wig 2: More Sing-Along Symphonies (my favorite of their four cd series) and Music Together Family Favorites 2 featuring some of our favorite songs from music class!

For making music together, here are some items that we’re putting in Miss Leyba’s stocking this year:

Castenets (Miss Leyba’s favorite instrument for free musical play in Music Together class) and Trophy 4-Bell Wristlet (we recommend four per child, one wristlet for each arm and leg!).

Kidsplay Maracas (their size makes them easy to hold on to) and Egg Shakers (fun for dancing with too!).

Other great musical instruments for kids that we’ve enjoyed in our music classes and at home include Finger Cymbals, Tone Blocks, Recorders, and Small Woodblocks.

What better way to encourage creativity in your family than a little hootenanny improvisation?!

Chickenpox Party Mon, 01 Nov 2010 13:00:18 +0000
In which we try to share chickenpox with our friends. Doctors orders!]]>
The upside to having chickenpox? Friends who want their kids to catch chickenpox can come over! (This was our doctors idea!)

Sharing favorite books

Heartfelt music making

Playing hide and seek, laughing hysterically

Snuggles together

Miss Leyba now feels fully recovered, so we’ll be breaking quarantine this week.

Look out, world! My toddler has a weeks worth of pent up energy ready to release on you!

Ready, set, go!

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Letter to Miss Leyba: Month 19 Fri, 04 Sep 2009 21:08:24 +0000 Dear Miss Leyba,

You are growing by leaps and bounds every day. We understand almost everything that you say now and you are learning new words every day (the other day you started saying “pirate,” as in that delicious snack Pirate’s Booty not Arrr!).

You are so happy. Hysterical gigglying is a regular sound over here in our house.

At the same time, you do have your (daily) hysterical fits… usually when we need to come in from outside (regardless of whether we’ve been outside for an hour or four) or when it’s nap time (and you’d rather sing songs or name body parts in bed). We know this is normal behavior and try to just ride the wave and give you comfort when you’re done. We hear you, sweetie, we do. We just can’t do everything your way all the time. (SHOCKER!)

95% of the time you are smiley and happy. Mama is so thankful for this. Singing and dancing together is an every day activity. Your favorite song is “Sing!” though you love your Maracas Music Together cd (plus Raffi and Sharon, Lois and Bram music too). You frequently say “more!” when you want us to repeat a song (or “all done!” when the stereo has already jumped to the next song and you want to go back). Occasionally you say “again,” which we’ve been trying to encourage. You sing along with these cds and like to harmonize with us. We have so much fun together.

You are so loving and constantly give us kisses and hugs. You love to cuddle and hold hands… especially with your friends! Hand-holding and hugs during play time and kisses goodbye are playdate staples. (Sometimes your friends reciprocate and sometimes they just aren’t game; you are so kind and patient and loving regardless of their response.)

We are very social together: going to weekly playdates at the park, mama and baby yoga classes several times a week, and making regular playdates with your girl friends (especially Sadie and Matri, your special buds).

You love pretend play, especially when it involves reading aloud to us from your books or talking to friends on the phone (or calculator or computer mouse or shoe). We have several (non-functional) cell phones that are especially for you and you like to carry them around and bring on outings.

You think driving the car is simply divine.

Watering the garden is a regular activity that you adore. Occasionally you let me hold the hose with you. Most of the time I have to direct you about which plant needs more water (or less! You are so enthusiastic!). More often than not you “faux water” the garden with the hose turned off…. (more pretend play!)

You pretend to be a train (“Chug-a-chug-a-chug-a CHOO CHOO!” with hand motions!), like giving high fives, and playing patty-cake. You walk up and down the stairs on your own. You dress yourself every day. You love to keep me company in the kitchen while I cook and helping out (tearing greens, cutting cheese with a butter knife, pulling off the stems of cherry tomatoes or grapes).

You enjoy visiting with our neighbors, patting dogs and cats (“pat pat!”), and picking blackberries from the bushes on the street. We take walks up and down the street, sometimes with your tricycle, sometimes with your push cart, sometimes with an item you have latched on to (yesterday: sunscreen container). We like to blow dandelions or watch ants or open seed pods. You know where grapes grow wild by the street and insist we stop and pick some when we walk by.

When you want to go outside, you find and put on your shoes, pick out a hat, start putting on sunscreen and wait for me by the door. Sometimes you get impatient with me and come over to grab my hand; you then lead me to the door and say “Mama! Open door!” Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. We are so glad that you love being outside so much. You are our nature girl.

I could go on and on with stories about you… but I’ve written a lot and you are going to wake up from your nap any minute now (you’ve slept for over 2 hours already!).

I love you, peanut, so very much. You and Daddy are the loves of my life.


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Links Wed, 11 Mar 2009 18:08:00 +0000 Last updated: March 2009

Friends and relations:
Adam, Adam, Aida, Alice, Alix, Amanda, Amanda, Anita, Bob and Diana, Celina, Chris, Christana, Christina, Daniel   (blog), DavidDebbie, Deborah-Miriam, EmilyErika, ErinGaleit, Geoffrey, Harry, IngridJen, JennyJesse, Jim, Joanne, Josh, Kenny, Megan, Melanie, Melanie, Michael, Mike, Miriam, Molly, Nikki, Paul, Shana, Sharon, Shaun & Beth, Solomon, Tessa, TiffanyTim, Tyler, Yuni

Some bloggers, photographers, writers, and artists that inspire me:
Aimee, Alex, Ali, Alicia, Alison, Alison, Amanda, Amy, Andrea, Andrea, Anna, Anna, Astrid, Bob, Bonnie, Brenda, CharlotteElizabeth, Ella, Emma, Erica, Erika, Fiona, Felicia, Geninne, Grace, Heather, Heather, Heidi, Helen Jane, Jane, Jessamyn, Jessica, Jordan, Julie, Karen, Kathy, Katurah, KyrieLaura, Leslie, Liesl, Lori, Maditi, Maggie, Maria, Mati, Matt, Meg, Megan, Melissa, Molly, Nicole, Penelope, Rachel, ReeSara, Sarah, Sarah, Sasha, Sharilyn, Siobhan, Stace, Stefania, Stefanie, Steph, Stephanie, Stephanie, Torrie, Tracey, Tracy, Wendy

Design and environmental fabulousness:
Apartment Therapy, Craftzine, Decor8, Design*Sponge, Domicile, Domino Magazine, EcoGeek, Ecorazzi, IKEA Hacker, Inhabitat, Land+Living, MoCo Loco, Modish, Poppy, The Purl Bee, ReadyMade Blog, Sew Green, Terramia, Tiny House BlogTreehugger, Whip Up

Daily hits:
A Blog Tribute to Audrey Hepburn, Facebook, Flickr, NY Times (+Blogs: Dot Earth, Well), San Francisco Chronicle, Slate, Twitter

My daughter, the musical prodigy Thu, 08 Jan 2009 18:10:49 +0000 I am doing some cooking in the kitchen and suddenly I hear the most beautiful music coming from my feet:

Beautiful music from Carrie on Vimeo.

Miss Leyba came up with the whole thing on her own (even arranging the bowls just so) and, oh boy, does she take her music making seriously.

I love it.

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